
Future SWAT Officer? Heading to a military school? Prepare for your endeavors safely and effectively

Sample Programming

This is an example of the “day to day” training for someone who works in a job requiring them to carry load for long distances. This programming should be doable for a potential SWAT candidate. If you are not here, we will meet you where you are and build you to this level. This block would focus on aerobic capacity and strength. For a more detailed explanation of how to complete this plan, please see this article.

How are we different?

Thousands of preparation plans exist out there. Some are outstanding. Others just throw you down a flight of stairs and call it mental toughness.

Although you may have worked hard, the reality is many of these plans lack the experience and understanding of how to actually build a future SWAT candidate/student through intelligent, long term planning.

I use my prior experience as a strength coach, my Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Fitness, and a combined 15 years of working in law enforcement/military to get where you need to be. This preparation is not only meant to build you physically, but also condition you mentally.